DSK Supply
Rebranding and website development for a major supplier of agricultural drones
The company designs exclusive interiors and brings them to life.
To create an image of a professional company with high level of service and to showcase the implemented projects. The site had to have a wow-effect and to inspire demanding and well-founded people to show it to their friends.
Leviev Group
interior design
Front-end development
Motion design
A technologically advanced and aesthetically pleasing site that would reflect the leadership of the company in its sector. A set of impressive interactive solutions, and a strict, monochromatic design with symmetrical but at the same time unusual arrangement of details which would represent the neoclassical focus of the company’s projects.
The welcome screen gets you to the world of sophisticated interiors right away. You click (or tap) and hold — and the polygonal illustration becomes an actual interior — that is how a design project in the hands of professionals becomes a dream house.
Three existing tangible interior items were chosen, one for every category, and we got a render of them provided by the client. This way we spectacularly linked the design to the real projects of the company.
While the company works within the premium market sector, it doesn’t use words like luxe, wealth and elite in its vernacular, instead wanting consumers to decide the value of its work through its high-quality service.
We aimed to pass that idea onto the site design — we kept the balance between restraint and elegance with thorough consideration of every detail and didn’t tip into vulgar luxury.
With every transition or hover there’s a triangular net appearing on the images. It is associated with polygons in the renders of the interior items. This is how we show that even the most beautiful and complicated things are made of small details and long and meticulous work of professionals.
The site helps to present the projects on client meetings. For the sake of convenience, we’ve made the accent of the design on the pictures of the implemented work. The images are loading as soon as the site is opened, and during the smooth transitions between pages — so users don’t have to wait for the pages to load when they open them.
We’ve built inheritance system using native browser web components — so that sliders and images radically change their behavior depending on the type of user’s device.
A page of a project is composed of a repeated group of four blocks, and some of them might be occasionally omitted.
It helps the employees of the company to assemble nice looking and diverse stories about the projects by themselves, without moving away from the general style of the website.
we craft award-winning digital experiences that reach both minds and hearts of people
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