Market research and website design for a B2B marketing platform based in Asia
To create a user-friendly site for two target audiences at once: partners and private customers. To use technologically advanced solutions that would convey the image of a modern pharmaceutical company. To put emphasis on the mobile version.
Front-end development
Back-end development
To make the homepage have one phrase that would describe all the areas of activity. The key words lead users to the corresponding pages. The modern spirit is conveyed through the solutions that might seem bold for a pharmaceutical site: a clean and light background, 3D models and bright colors.
Medisorb is a technologically advanced company, and we used bold design solutions to highlight its image and made it stand out against the business rivals. Instead of standard pictures on the homepage, we chose to use patterns with 3D objects: pills stand for manufacturing, books stand for sharing information among professionals, test tubes stand for collaboration with pharmacies.
The first item in the grid is shown bigger than the others, here the manufacturer can place an item that would serve a business purpose, like an item that is in great demand.
New items have a bright tag that resembles a production line. This way the attention of b2b-customers can be attracted to the right items.
The items can be shown either as tiles if a name and a package picture is enough, or as a detailed list with information on the size of the package and area of application.
Product pages contain information on the medicine for both b2b and b2c customers. The numbers are emphasized, there are indications for use and administration methods and a pdf instruction to download and get detailed information.
Medisorb cares about the quality and works with all the feedback. There is a natural but noticeable button to contact the company: a bright tag with a cross is a traditional symbol of medicine and resembles a well-known symbol ‘Learn more’.
This sign is also used as a cursor on the catalog and blog pages: it hints that there’s also a page with detailed info.
Medisorb actively shows interest in the development of medical society. There is a blog for customers and professionals.
All the pages of the site are easily managed from the dashboard that has a clear interface that is easy to be used from a PC.
AJAX page loading helps to load the pages in advance so that content turnover is fast. Thanks to this the website isn’t slow even when used on computers with an outdated processor unit or system.
Contacts page keeps up with the idea of the homepage: it looks minimalistic at first, but if you hover over the address, a map appears at the background. This helps to avoid overloading user experience if they need just the phone number or the email address.
Clients of a modern high-tech company are more likely to use smartphones than a desktop or a tablet. So a good responsive design was important to the client.
The mobile version kept all the functions of the desktop one, we’ve transferred most of the effects, gradients and animations for a good UX without losing loading speed.
we craft award-winning digital experiences that reach both minds and hearts of people
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