


Market research and website design for a B2B marketing platform based in Asia

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To develop a new website for ADBRO that effectively communicates their position as a marketing platform. To clearly present the full range of their services and present them as a strong competitor in the industry.








Market Research
Website Design
UI kit


ADBRO is a marketing platform that offers high-impact advertising solutions in Asian countries. The company has grown significantly in recent years and plans to enhance its presence in the Asia-Pacific region. They position themselves as smart, full-cycle creatives who take on the entire process of designing and managing ads in media, while making sure their creative advertisement is engaging and non-obtrusive for end-users.

Target Audience & Competitive Analyses

The Asian market for digital advertising solutions is aggressive and highly competitive. For a brand to stand out, it needs a clear offer and powerful design. Marketing research can help find the right track. 


We started with buyer persona analysis and listing the pain points for all three target audiences: marketing planners looking to buy high-impact advertisement services, publishers providing the ads placement, and potential employees. In the next step, we conducted comprehensive competitor research and studied how the competitors handled similar pain points. Linguistic analysis helped us see deeper into how they speak about themselves and their services.

Hypotheses and Customer Development

As a result of the research, we generated hypotheses on the key website features and information for each audience. Comparing them to competitors' tools led to a better understanding of how ADBRO can stand out.  


To confirm the hypotheses and find other insights, we recruited and interviewed a number of marketing specialists working at top Indonesian and Singaporean media planning companies, all within a week.

A planner is choosing a new channel based on targeting, technology, and outcome for the right price. Creative visuals and engagement are important only when they are linked to results.

Marketing research helped create the structure and flow of the website. In addition, we designed two funnels for the major target audiences and drafted the preliminary copy. All of this gave the design team a firm basis for building high-fidelity prototypes and developing the design concept.

Prototypes & Design

To ensure that the client was given the full idea, we presented several animated variations of the first screen rather than just verbal descriptions.


In the design concept, we focused on showing the transparency of the service and emphasizing the digital aspect, as the company operates exclusively online. Using tiles and a clean grid helped us structure complex information and make it accessible to the target audience. And surely, we considered ADBRO's competitors in the niche and the Asian design market as a whole.

First Screen

When designing a new look for ADBRO's website, we understood the utmost importance of the first screen: it had to sum up the company's entire expertise, show off their best work, and highlight the results their future customers can expect. At the same time, the screen should not be overwhelming, as ADBRO positions itself as smart creatives who take care of their target audience's happiness.


The main page is designed primarily for marketing planners, the key audience, and aims to answer any questions they might have. Additionally, publishers and prospective employees have separate sections designed for their needs.


ADBRO has many creative ad placements and features to offer. We design-coded them to give users a clear idea of how ads may be placed in the media. The sample set utilizes 12 icons that show the most popular ad formats: 3D objects, flip cards, videos, quizzes, instant landings, etc.


The emphasis is placed on the features, while the context is intentionally left out of focus to keep things clear. Additionally, website administrators save time by not having to compile and upload every ad to showcase a placement option.


As part of the gallery, users can also view case studies: see how a particular feature was implemented for a real brand like Disney or LG, and interact with it just like the end user would when reading a news article.


Alexander Shvetsov
Alexander Shvetsov
Chief Technology Officer & Co-Founder of ADBRO

After 5 years of product evolution, we urgently needed to renew our website to sync it with our market offers. Red Collar's task was to collect all the internal requirements, conduct target audience interviews and design a modern and informative corporate website. The Red Collar team succeeded with everything we did need: weekly calls, quality follow-ups. We were impressed with the way they handled that amount of comments being given on every iteration. That is what we were not able to track by ourselves and were surprised every week that nothing was left behind.

see also

Skolkovo for business

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A corporate website for an international construction company


Brand identity and a logo for a cutting-edge medical software developer

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