

Barcelona Realty Group

Barcelona Realty Group is a real estate agency providing a full-service package of byuing real estate property and moving to Spain.

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To design an easy-to-use catalogue with a filter for real estate items. To convey the image of a reliable company able to solve any qustions from accompaniment of transactions to acquiring the citizenship.


Barcelona Realty Group


Real estate




Front-end development

Key idea

To shift the focus from the real estate to the benefits of living in Spain. To create an aesthetically pleasing website with photos and information on regions.


The first screnn contains a slider with Catalan landscapes. Using WebGL and parallax we’ve created the 3D effect: background photo slightly shifts while you ove the cursor around the screen, it is interesting to look into the details of it, it helps you dive into the atmosphere of Spain — the future place of residence.

We focused on the distingushing characteristics of the districts so that clients can choose whether to live in the city or off the coast.

Target audience

Let’s consider a married couple: the first one to see the website would be the woman, she values beauty and emotions. Then she’d discuss her choice with the man, nd he values reliablility and clarity of the process. That is why we paid so much attention to the quality of the real estate and scenery pictures on the main page and to the presentation of the service info.

Responsive design

Users can browse through apartments sitting in a cafe or on their way somewhere: the website works on mobile as well. We’ve kept all the map features and adapted filtering for small screens.


Property acquisition, as well as migration, is a thing that you want to entrust to a reliable company, so showing professionalism here is very important. A blog with recent news and valuable advice helps in creation of a professional image. Design of this secion is similar to a modern media, it is clean and has good structure.

Item pages

It is significant that users get all the main information at the first look, that is why we’ve put the photos to the top of the page, highlighted the floor space and number of roms, distance to the sea and characteristics. If you’re interested in a particular item of property, there’s a detailed description of it and of the surrounding district and a map featuring key infrastructure.


It is important to see not just a house, but the neighbourhood as well: nearby cafes, whether the sea is close. For illustrative purpose we designed a map with brief information about the object of choice, nearby shops, restaurants and aeroports.

Detailed information on a property item of choice can be downloaded as .pdf file should you wish to share it with someone.

We’ve catered for several search scenarios: you can start with the filter either on the homepage or the sale&rent sections, or even from item maps.


The main feature of the site is thre real estate catalogue that allows to see all the options that fit your needs. For the sake of convenience we’ve developed a complex filter with the selection of several options that adjusts depending on the options chosen.


Every customer gets their own personal manager who solves all the matters throughout the dealing process. We’ve reflected this approach on the website — there are real pictures of the managers and their personal information in the consultation form so that users could contact the directly.





vanilla JS



see also


A website for a glove manufacturer designed in the style of a global high-tech pioneer

Shishki park

A bright site with interactive elements for an amusement park


Corporate identity for a company supplying components for pipeline construction and repair

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